Possibility to edit the text

Forums Product Notes for WooCommerce Possibility to edit the text

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  • #87359
    Nick Thomaidis

    Hello… i use this addon and i think is perfect, i want to buy the PRO version but I would like to know if I have the possibility to edit the text, i.e. to make some words bold or to color them just like we do in the other fields of the description??

    Thanks !!!


    Hello Nick,

    Thank you for the feedback 🙂

    Regarding the question you have, you can use the TinyMCE visual editor in order to style the text of the notes. To enable the visual editor in product notes, please navigate to WooCommerce > Settings >Private/Public notes and enable the Backend Options > Visual editor option.

    If you have any other questions or need assistance, please let us know. We would be happy to help you.

    Kind regards,

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