Pre-purchase questions: Does the plug-in generate EAN’s?

Forums EAN and Barcodes for WooCommerce Pre-purchase questions: Does the plug-in generate EAN’s?

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  • #109445

    I couldn’t figure out the following:
    1. Does the plug-in generate EAN’s?
    2. Where can the tutorial on the use of this plug-in be found
    Thanking in advance,


    Hi there,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    With the EAN and Barcode for WooCommerce plugin, you can generate EANs for your products. Our plugin generates valid but random EANs. To do so, please go to WooCommerce > Settings > EAN > Tools and run the Product Tools > Generate tool. However, it’s not guaranteed that EANs will be unique worldwide (they are unique in your shop, though). If you need truly unique EANs, you will have to buy them from GS1.

    Regarding your second question, you can learn about the features of the plugin here and read the documentation of the plugin here.

    If you have any other questions, then please let us know.

    Kind regards,

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