“Price Display by QTY” and variable products

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  • #92432
    Karla Jordan


    Under “Price Display by QTY”, the variable products, i need it to display in variation price but also display if variation price is the same.

    I’ve tried paying around with many things, the wp customization page, I have pricing off but it still displays the replacement price using the setting in your app. If I have pricing on it displays pricing using the base price and displaying the replace price option.

    I also tried using the “Replace Price” under info but it will not take code. It only displays the code I have in the box instead of showing the requested data. The code I pasted in:

    Total = %new_price_total% for %qty% pcs.

    Which is what I have in the “price display by QTY” page which works, but only for variable products with different prices per variable. I just need it to display regardless if the variable prices are the same or not.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Karla,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    I believe this is a theme-related issue – our “Price Display by Quantity” should work for variable products with the same variation prices as well. Would it be possible to share access to your site, so I could log in and check what’s going on (my email is [email protected])? Please let me know if sharing an account is not an option, and I will continue solving it remotely, and in this case, could you please let me know which theme are you using on your site?

    Karla Jordan

    Thank you for the reply, I’m using the Botiga theme. At this time we don’t want to share the account but if you can’t figure it out remotely we may be able to share access. Is there a way to export the themes code to send to you?

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Karla,

    Generally, I would suggest our Download Plugins and Themes from Dashboard plugin to export the theme, however, I found the Botiga theme on wp.org – is this the right one?

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Karla,

    I’ve just tested it with the Botiga theme I’ve found on wp.org, but unfortunately couldn’t reproduce the issue – “Price Display by Quantity” seems to be working fine here, including variable products with the same variation prices.

    Karla Jordan

    Which price replacement in the app settings did you use, the one on the “price display by QTY” or the one in “info”. I couldn’t get the one in info to take code, it just displayed the code as text on the page. Also, in the theme customizer, do you have price marked as visible or not visible with the eye icon on single product pages?

    Karla Jordan

    Ok, I figured it out. We are using the Catalog Mode app. I had remove to cart button off but in order to display the variation options/selector I needed to still have the add to cart function as visible on the theme customizer. When I disabled it in the catalog mode app it is displaying on all pages. I just have to make the add to the additional CSS to the cart button to the customizer. Thank you for your help on this.

    I still have one other question, do you know why the price displays above the table on a single product or with no variant selected but goes below the table once a variant is selected?

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Karla,

    Glad to hear you’ve figured it out. As for your latest question – could you please try to disable the “Display in variation price” checkbox in “WooCommerce > Settings > Product Price by Quantity > Price Display by Qty”? Please let me know if that helps.

    Karla Jordan

    That did help by changing the calculated price to the normal price div. I then hid the variation price range by adding additional css in the customizer of:

    display: none !important;}

    Now only the calculated price shows. We really appreciate that this app offers the ability to start with the lowest price and us -% off of it. I didn’t find anything else that had that ability. Showing the range didn’t work well as it takes the lowest price of all variants in a product verses the high to low of the selected variant. This works well with it hidden though.

    If you are thinking of adding/updating this app it would be handy if it could show a “starting at $0.00” with whatever is the lowest price in the table and/or a range from the lowest overall to the highers overall per product on the product catalog pages. It’s nice it can show as the table but it takes up to much space and seems a bit over barring on the product catalog page.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Happy to help 🙂

    Regarding the “… starting at…” question – I believe you can already do that. Please try adding this:

    Starting at [alg_wc_product_ppq_data field="price" level_num="last" product_id="%product_id%"]

    to either “Discount Pricing Table > Shop page” or “Replace Price > Shop page” (both options are in “WooCommerce > Settings > Product Price by Quantity > Info”).

    Please give it a try and let me know what you think.

    P.S. And if you like the plugin, please consider leaving me a rating here or here.

    Karla Jordan

    Thanks for the help. The code you shared showed the correct price range but put it there crossed out and again not crossed out.

    Instead, I figured out how to resize, change padding, and re-color the pricing table on just the catalog pages. It works much better with that.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Karla,

    Happy to hear you’ve figured it out. Please let me know if you’ll need anything else.

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