Price unit not working after WC update

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  • #105036
    Leslie Keating

    Hi, since the Woocommerce update, the price unit applied per category does not show up on the product page. The price unit shows when it’s applied per variation on the product page but all my single products, where the quantity rules are applied by category, it just doesn’t appear anymore Has anyone else had this issue? Is there an update coming to solve this as I really don’t know why it’s stopped appearing. Thanks in advance for your help!

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by WPWhale.
    Leslie Keating

    Hi, just an update to this issue – I noticed a few of fabrics on my site did have the price unit displaying properly so I’ve been trying to figure out what is different about those fabrics and I’ve discovered that it will only show the price unit if EVERY category that the product is under has the same quantity rule. So if I have fabric in the Cotton category, which does have the quantity rule applied to it, but also in the Brand New category, which does not as it contains other items besides fabric, the price unit will not show but all the other quantity info works. This was not the case before recent updates to Woocommerce so I’m hoping it can be fixed? Please let me know, I’ve already had a few confused customers contact me! Thanks!


    Hi Leslie,

    Thanks for reporting this, we might need to verify settings to reproduce the issue, so if you can please send us wp-admin access to [email protected]


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