Price unit still displayed for excluded products in Product Quantity

Forums Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce Price unit still displayed for excluded products in Product Quantity

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  • #104629
    Ayse Tüfekci

    I need your help please:
    I am selling some products per kilo and some per piece, so i buyed pro version to exclude the products i sell per piece. It worked in general by entering the URLs, BUT:
    The Price Unit is still displayed in shop page. So for example there is a produkt that is selled per piece for 2€ but in shop page it is displayed “2€/kg”. It is not displayed on product page.
    i need the price unit for the products i sell per kilogramm because i sell them in 0,1 kilo steps so the customers should not thing the price is per 0,1 kilo. I hope I could express myself correctly


    Hi Ayse,

    I think this is just a setting issue, price appearing is per whole unit (which is 1 kilo in your case), unless you’re using Total Price by Quantity.

    Would you mind send me link to an example product where you have this issue? Probably a wp-admin will also help as well to find the issue, please contact me at [email protected]


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