Quantity step by variation with Extra Product Options plugin

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  • #104447
    Daniel Klein


    I bought the plugin to set the quantity steps by variations.
    For the variations i use the plugin WooCommerce Extra Product Options ( https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-extra-product-options/7908619).

    I followed the instructions below:

    You need to enable “Per product” checkbox in “WooCommerce > Settings > Product Quantity > Quantity Step”, then go to some variable product’s admin edit page and there you will see “Product Quantity” meta box with all variations listed.

    But the meta box with all variations dont show up ?
    Did I do something wrong ?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    Hello Daniel,

    I haven’t tested the plugin with the mentioned one, so if you don’t mind, can you please grant me access to the store to check why boxes aren’t showing up? Reach me at [email protected]


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