Quantity step not working on +/- buttons

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  • #104188

    Before I buy I’ll try your free version and see if it works ok
    On this version, the quantitative steps do not seem right to me
    I set the minimum quantity and quantity step to 2.5 which appears correctly on the product page. However, when I press the + sign, the next step shows 4 rather than 5 as it should be
    I have the plugin installed on the test page, i can give you access to the site if you need it.
    If you can solve this issue with quantitative steps, i will go buy this plugin immediately because i really need it fast

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    i think i did it.
    In JS Check Options I confirmed what was required and works
    thanks anyway


    Hi Klemen,

    Glad to know it’s working, you are right, some themes require JS override.


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