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  • #98877

    I bought the plugin for my personal crowdfunding campaign and I have a few question.
    1. I wish to have on my front page the total sum that was raised. At the moment I can see on each product the sum that was raised for the individual product. How can that be achieved?
    2. I would like the products to show the short description on the products list on the front page as well. Now the description appears only on products page.
    Thank you

    Yinon Tubi

    Also is there a way to show the backers list on another page? Some shortcode or something like that displays the list of backers?
    thank you

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    1. Unfortunately at the moment displaying total sum raised for all products at once is not possible, but I will be adding this in next plugin version. You can however display total sum raised for each product on front page – by adding product_id attribute to the shortcode (i.e. in this case the shortcode will display info for your set product ID, instead of retrieving current product’s ID automatically), e.g.:

    [product_crowdfunding_total_sum product_id="123"]

    2. Our plugin is not really dealing with the way products are displayed on front page in WooCommerce, however you can display products short description on archives (i.e. front page) by adding this snippet to your (child) theme’s functions.php file:

    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'show_product_short_description_on_loop' );
    if ( ! function_exists( 'show_product_short_description_on_loop' ) ) {
    	 * show_product_short_description_on_loop.
    	function show_product_short_description_on_loop() {
    		$product = wc_get_product();
    		echo '<p>' . $product->get_short_description() . '</p>';

    And if you prefer the plugin solution, please check Info Blocks for WooCommerce plugin.

    3. To list backers on another page, you again need to add product_id attribute to shortcode, e.g.:

    [product_crowdfunding_list_backers product_id="123"]

    Hope that helps and please let me know if you have any more questions.

    And I will get back to you when new shortcodes for displaying info for all products at once are ready.


    Hi Tom
    Thank you for the snippet, it works!!
    I’m trying to show on each product number of backer and how many product are available.
    It is easy to show how many people backed the project, but I couldn’t find out how to add the number of product available.
    I will appreciate it if you can help me with this one/
    Thank you

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Yinon,

    Sorry, but I’m not sure I understood it correctly. Do you mean how many items are in stock for the current product? If that is correct – you could add this line to the short description snippet I’ve posted above:

    echo '<p>' . $product->get_stock_quantity() . '</p>';

    Hope that helps.


    Hi Tom
    Thank you for your help so far, I hope it is the last round of questions for this project.
    As you can see on this page
    the products title, when they are longer than one line doesn’t show well. It looks like its two lines on top of each other.
    Also, and may be it is the same problem, the description does not keep the design of the description of the product page, meaning, I separete the text to lines as I want it to show but it wouldn’t keep the line brakes and would show it as continuous text.
    When a product is out of stock, the button text remain the same, and when clicking on it, instead of being directed to checkout, (I want to skip the cart page) the product page is opened and there it’s written that it is out of stock. I rathe have indication on the product list itself that it is out of stock.
    In the plugin setting there is a message on product end, is it suppose to show somewhere when it is out of stock, or did I miss something?
    It doesn’t show anywhere.
    Thank you for you patience

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Yinon,

    1. We’ve just released new plugin version 2.9.0, where I’ve added new [crowdfunding_totals] shortcode, which will display total crowdfunding data for all campaigns combined:

    Total orders sum: 
    [crowdfunding_totals return_value="orders_sum"]
    Total items: 
    [crowdfunding_totals return_value="total_items"]
    Total orders: 
    [crowdfunding_totals return_value="total_orders"]

    2. Regarding product’s title – please try adding this to your custom CSS (e.g. to “Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS”):

    .woocommerce-loop-product__title {
        line-height: 1em !important;

    Regarding your other questions – I will get back to you a little bit later.

    Hope that helps. Please let me know if something is not working as expected.

    P.S. If you like the plugin, please consider leaving us a rating.


    Hi Tom
    Thank you 🙏
    Titles are fine now (:
    Very happy for the new release,
    I saw on your site the new release but no update available on my WP panel.
    And I couldn’t figure out what to do but to buy the new release again, as I have just bought the pro version.
    Hope to solve this and the Q from the former post ASAP as I’m eager to set it out.
    Thank you so much

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Yinon,

    1. Regarding “… it wouldn’t keep the line brakes and would show it as continuous text…” – please change in the snippet I posted before:

    echo '<p>' . $product->get_short_description() . '</p>';


    echo wpautop( $product->get_short_description() );

    2. Regarding “… when a product is out of stock, the button text remain the same…” – I will consider adding this option to the plugin – meanwhile please use this snippet:

    add_action( 'woocommerce_product_add_to_cart_text', 'change_add_to_cart_text_for_out_of_stock', PHP_INT_MAX, 2 );
    if ( ! function_exists( 'change_add_to_cart_text_for_out_of_stock' ) ) {
         * change_add_to_cart_text_for_out_of_stock.
        function change_add_to_cart_text_for_out_of_stock( $text, $product ) {
            return ( ! $product->is_in_stock() ? 'Out of stock' : $text );

    3. Regarding “… in the plugin setting there is a message on product end…” – this message will be shown on the single product page when campaign time ends or goal is reached (and also “Add to cart” will be removed). Please make sure that you have checked End On Time Ended and/or End On Goal Reached checkboxes in plugin settings (in “WooCommerce > Settings > Crowdfunding > General > Ending Options”).

    Hope that helps.

    P.S. If you like the plugin, please consider leaving us a rating.

    Yinon Tubi

    Hi Tom
    Thank you for your support so far. Tomorrow I’m going to launch my campaign at last, and I’m left with only one discomfort.
    The checkout page looks a bit funny.
    As I just build another site with the same theme and Elementor, I suspect it to be “blamed” upon the plugin.
    I hope that you will be able to help as you did so well until now.
    By the way, is it possible to upgrade later on to lifetime license or unlimited lifetime?
    Thank you and keep on with the good work

    yinon tubi

    Hi Tom
    First I want to thank you for the plugin. I get good feedback about the look of my campaign.
    From some reason, updating WP make product short description disappear, although I use child theme.
    I have contacted Elementor support and the said the best way to solve this issue, which is an issue with element or pro basically, is that you contact directly with their developers on GitHub project ( to collaborate.
    I really hope that you will be able to solve this problem soon, as it quite downgrade the functionality of my campaign.
    The snipet that you have sent me before doesn’t seem to work anymore.
    Thank you

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