Remove shipping VAT from profit calcullation

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  • #135958
    Florian Mastacan

    Due to the fact that our shop has all the prices defined with VAT included, in order to be able to correctly calculate the profit, we have the following settings in place

    Products tab

    1. Get price method – Get price including tax

    Orders tab

    1. Calculations/Order total – Order total included tax
    2. Taxes to profit – Add order taxes like VAT to the order profit (checked)

    The calculation of profit is correct but the VAT of the shipping cost is added to the profit as well (which is wrong). How can we remove only this VAT from the calculation?


    Hi Florian,

    Maybe there is something you can try.

    We have options to add extra costs on orders, so you could try to enable our section Shipping Methods, then:

    • Add a Percent cost to the shipping method you wish. Most probably with the same value as your VAT.
    • The Percent cost source option could be set to Shipping total, and choose Shipping total incl. tax.

    Let me know if it helps.

    Florian Mastacan

    Thank you, your advice above is correct – this solved the issue. Many thanks!


    Great then. Thanks for letting us know 🙂

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