Secondary currency not showing (PolyLang)

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  • #105790
    mehmet tokgozlu

    i am using polylang for language. and there is a different currency. but when I create xml it only shows the main currency. do you figure it out? the issue is a bit urgent. I will be glad if you reply quickly. thank u.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Omar Dabbas.
    mehmet tokgozlu

    I bought the plugin today. If you want, I can write my wp logimn information.


    Hi Mehmet,

    Ramadan Kareem 🙂

    Currently the plugin doens’t support multi currency, but I will be glad to work on this for you.

    To make progress faster, please send me wp-admin & FTP access to [email protected] and I will make it happen direclty on your store.


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