Separate products by colors

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  • #105683


    Following our conversation in forum, I am writing my issue here as well.

    We would like to separate the products by color and show all the available sizes for each color, i.e. Black>S, M, L etc…

    • This topic was modified 12 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    Hello @Dimath,

    Sorry for all the trouble you had.

    For the “In Stock” showing variations that are out of stock, it’s being fixed now and I expect to have a release tomorrow.

    For the other part, where you have to show an attribute as a single product, but other attributes to be part of it, I’m still working to find a way to accomplish this, because as we’ve discussed, every mix of two attributes creates a new variation in your setup.

    I will get back to you at the earliest on this.



    Hi again,

    Just to confirm, having a mix of two attributes values (green & small for example) as a separate variations will produce a new variation for the product.

    So if you have an attribute for color (that contains 2 values; blue & green), another one for size (S,M,L), you will end up in 6 separate variations, and WooCommerce treats them this way (because you can add a different price, image, etc.. for each one).

    Unfortunately, the plugin (and all similar plugins that I’m aware of) can’t produce only 2 variations out of these 6.

    Sorry about that.



    I am still waiting for you to fix the out of stock bug.

    Also, I found a similar plugin that does the thing with the color and so on.

    If I select to add the size attribute as a dynamic attribute in it brings all the available sizes.

    Maybe it is something that you can consider?



    The fix is still in progress, it was almost done today but caused another bug, hopefully tomorrow.

    As for the other plugin, honestly it’s a good one, and a lot of efforts have been done to make it.

    As for this update, I doubt I will be able to customize this feature, it needs a lot of coding work since it will affect all variable products attributes, but I have it on my features requests, and I will try my best to do it soon.

    Sorry about this.


    One last thing, can you please send me at [email protected], I would love to find the best solution for you.


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