Setting Minimum Quantity and Quantity Step for Wholesale Products

Forums Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce Setting Minimum Quantity and Quantity Step for Wholesale Products

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  • #104670

    Product Quantity (Min/Max/Step) for WooCommerce

    I want to set minimum quantity in the quantity column of the Product and when customer increase the quantity, it should multiple of the minimum quantity.
    will this can be achieved using this plugin.
    e.g. Product A, in the quantity column I should set default 30 and it should to increase/decrease by 30.

    Our website is wholesale and we want the set the minimum quantity and increase by same.



    Hello Arun,

    Yes doable, using minimum and step values feature, you can define any amount to be minimimum, and any amount for the step (increment), you can set this per product or category or all products at once.

    Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.


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