shortcode for limits table now shows all products instead of just limited prods

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  • #124285

    I don’t know why you made it behave like this when you updated, but when shortcoding the limit table to a page [alg_wc_mppu_user_product_limits] it needs to return JUST the limited products instead of all live products.

    There is no documentation I can find on how to fix/tag this in the shortcode. Only the top item should be returned, as it was in the past.

    see screenshot:


    I’d also like to remove the Restrictions column completely, thanks.

    I plugged the old version of   class-alg-wc-mppu-shortcodes.php  in there to see the effect. Or do I have to just run an older version?

    What issues might that cause?

    It would help to have documentation that tells me what customization that shortcode will allow.



    Hi there,

    Thanks for reaching out. I am sorry to know you are experiencing issues.

    I have escalated this with our development team. They will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Kind regards.


    I paid for the license and the support. If I have to run a previous version (that I also paid for twice), will I be getting a refund?


    This works, but is a poor fix, as it still shows the products and restriction info in the page source.

    display: none;

    .alg_wc_mppu_products_data_my_account th:nth-child(5) {
    display: none

    .alg_wc_mppu_products_data_my_account td:nth-child(5) {
    display: none

    Wouldn’t the preferable way be to keep it as it was? Use the table the shortcode provides to JUST display products with a limit, and nothing else?

    Thanks again, hope you have a better fix than this CSS tweak.


    Hi there,

    This issue has already been escalated to our development team. I have marked the priority of this ticket as “Highest”. They will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Kind regards,


    Hello GW,

    Please try the new release and use this shortcode.

    [alg_wc_mppu_user_product_limits per_page="5" off_page_nav="true"]

    per_page you can use your own value that you want.

    Kousik Mukherjee

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Kousik.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Kousik.
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