Show a note only to logged in customers?

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  • #87278

    Is it possible to show a note only to logged in customers?
    If i buy the pro version, can i do it?


    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Laura,

    Currently not possible, but it sounds like a useful feature. Let me try to add it to the plugin. Will get back to you shortly.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi again, Laura,

    Please update the plugin to the latest v2.2.1. Now in “WooCommerce > Settings > Product Notes > Public Notes > Frontend Options” you will find a new checkbox – “Logged users only”. Please give it a try and let me know if something is not working as expected.

    And if you like the plugin, please consider leaving me a rating here or here.


    Hi Tom,
    thank you very much for the prompness, i flagged “Logged users only”, but non-logged users continue to see it. how can we solve?
    thank you

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Laura,

    Hmm… That’s odd… Maybe you are using some caching plugin and simply didn’t clear the cache? If that’s not the case – maybe it would be possible for me to log in to your site and check what’s going on (my email is [email protected])? Please let me know if sharing an account is not an option, and I will continue solving it remotely.

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