Troubleshooting code for displaying product unit information on product page

Forums Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce Troubleshooting code for displaying product unit information on product page

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    I have Products per KG and Products per unit. I need to be able to tell the customers in the single product page what are the minimum and allowed increments per the configured product unit type. My code does not seem to work. What am I doing wrong? Here is the code:

    <p>[alg_wc_pq_min_product_qty before="La cantidad mínima es " after=alg_wc_pq_product_qty_price_unit"<br>"]
    [alg_wc_pq_max_product_qty before="La cantidad máxima es " after="<br>"][alg_wc_pq_product_qty_step before="Los incrementos se hacen de a " after=" [alg_wc_pq_product_qty_price_unit]<br>"]
    El peso es estimado, se le informará al momento del corte de la pieza junto con el precio total de la orden <br></p>

    La cantidad mínima es 1 Los incrementos se hacen de a 1
    “] El peso es estimado, se le informará al momento del corte de la pieza junto con el precio total de la orden

    This what I woud expect:

    La cantidad mínima es 1 unidad

    Los incrementos se hacen de a 1 unidad

    El peso es estimado, se le informará al momento del corte de la pieza junto con el precio total de la orden


    and this is what I get


    Hi Agustin,

    You will have to use shortcodes like this:

    For Price Unit:

    [alg_wc_pq_min_product_qty before="La cantidad mínima es <strong>" after="</strong><br>" price_unit="yes"]

    And for Total Price by Quantity label:

    [alg_wc_pq_min_product_qty before="La cantidad mínima es <strong>" after="</strong><br>" unit="yes"]

    Please let me know if you still have any issues.



    Hello Omar

    Thanks for your quick response, unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work:

    code on Quantity Info Options:

    <p>[alg_wc_pq_min_product_qty before="La cantidad mínima es <strong>" after="</strong><br>" price_unit="yes"]</p>

    As shown on single product page:

    La cantidad mínima es 3.5”

    As you can see, type of unit is not showing.



    Okay, would you mind sharing wp-admin access to check? Something must be wrong there, please reach us at [email protected] and we will be glad to help.


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