User list has now been reduced to Administrators

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  • #135242

    After installing the free version of this plugin in Woocommerce my “user” list has been reduced to just those having admin status.  At first glance my users that I saw on the first page of the user list all had VERIFIED check marks but when I refreshed even those were gone.  My customer list is still very full under the Woocommerce tab but many have zero purchases and some sketchy spam-like usernames and email addresses.  What happened to my USER list and will losing this affect my customer base and also how do I delete those customers on that list with zero purchase history?  I am assuming that task can be performed using the premium version?  Thanks.



    If the user list was reduced, maybe they have been deleted. The only way this plugin would delete users is if the option “Advanced > Delete users” is enabled or the option “Advanced > Delete users automatically“. Did you try some of these delete options?

    Anyway, you can try to disable the plugin to see if the user list goes back to normal.

    We don’t have options to delete users with zero purchase history. I believe this is not part of this plugin’s scope. It will only manage the verified and unverified users via email. Now, if the option “General > Account verification > Current registered users” is enabled, all the users registered before the plugin was enabled will be considered as “Unverified”, and then will be erased if any of the Delete options are enabled.


    Hi Pablo thanks for the reply.  I never checked back here to see if I missed it.  Anyway, the Delete Users option is unchecked and the Delete Users Automatically is checked.  I did disable the plug in and those users did not show back up.  I was looking around for a video tutorial for this plug in but couldn’t find on previous to making any changes.

    What led me back here today was a user was signing in and trying to establish an account and it said that ‘he had to be a paying customer to activate his account’.  I told him he just needs to make a purchase and that will activate and verify his account.  I don’t want to push people away with this being too complex but I also don’t like the fake emails people register with that can lead to fraud.  What is the best way to eliminate this issue using the free version?

    Thanks for your help.

    Plugin Support

    Hi there,

    I hope you are well today.

    > ‘he had to be a paying customer to activate his account’

    Regarding this issue, could you please go to the “Blocking” tab of the plugin, and scroll down to “Block non-paying users” section and disable the “Block non-paying users” option.

    > I also don’t like the fake emails people register with that can lead to fraud.

    Regarding this issue, please go to the “General” section of the plugin and ensure that “Login on activation” and “Block unverified login” options are enabled.

    Kind regards.


    Thank you.  I have just followed those instructions and I will see how it goes.

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