Valid EAN, but flagged as Duplicated

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  • #129095

    In the Product Data > Variable product > Inventory I have designated individual SKU and EAN for each product. The SKU is 8 numbers and the EAN is 13 numbers. For all products I get the error message that the EAN is Duplicated.

    This probably has to do with the fact that for every product there are 4 variants based on weight. The SKUs gets amended with a -1 to -4 for for each weight. For example to 10005575-1, 10005575-2, etc.

    However, the EAN is a 13 digit nr with an associated barcode, so I can’t add any digits. Plus, I don’t want to use another barcode for each weight. How can I to reuse the EAN for the different weights for each product?

    • This topic was modified 8 months ago by simon.
    Plugin Support

    Hi there,

    In this scenario, kindly navigate to the ‘General’ section of the plugin and deactivate the ‘check if unique’ option. Once this adjustment is made, the plugin will cease identifying duplicate EAN instances.

    Kind regards.


    Thanks, I disabled the EAN check.

    If i understand this right, it means each weight of the same product needs to have their own EAN.

    Plugin Support

    Hi Simon,

    Yes, by disabling the “check if unique” option, you can use the same EAN for all variations of the same product, regardless of their weight. However, this might lead to issues with product identification and tracking. Consider displaying a unique identifier alongside the EAN for each weight variation to ensure clarity for customers.

    Kind regards.


    Thanks! Yes, I do have unique identifiers, such unique SKU numbers and variations (weight). Although, it seems that’s insufficient for Google Merchant / Shopping, which still gives an error message for all products.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    I think you have to submit different EANs for different variations. On the Google Merchant Center Help GTIN page, it says:

    Use the correct GTIN for each product, including variants. Each product and variant of a product (different colors or sizes) has its own GTIN, so make sure to submit the correct value.

    I hope this helps.

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