VAT appears as invalid on payment

Forums EU/UK VAT Manager for WooCommerce VAT appears as invalid on payment

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  • #105220
    Peter Verschuere

    Hi, after filling in a valid VAT number in the checkout screen, the progress message says “VAT number is valid”. So that’s ok. But when I submit the form (to actually pay), a validation error appears on top of the form “VAT Number is not valid”, so I can’t continue to payment.
    I tried with all the validation methods (SOAP, cURL, simple) – same result.
    hat should I do?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Omar Dabbas.
    Simon Le Sant

    Hello, I have the same problem.

    Simon Le Sant

    and ii found something that fixed my problem :
    Go to Admin & Advanced of the plugin section and change Session type to WC session

    Peter Verschuere

    @Simon Le Sant: Perfect! That did the trick. Thank you so much for your assistance. Top!


    Thanks Simon, you were faster 🙂

    With more users having this issue recently, it looks I will make that option as default from now on.


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