Hi! I was about buying your pro version, but first I checked the free one and its not working for me. The VAT is never validated even being a valid VAT. The error log is the following:
2020-09-20T14:04:21+00:00 INFO Error: VAT is not valid (checkout) (Country: [BE]; VAT ID: [BE0999999999]; Company: []; Method: [])
2020-09-20T14:04:45+00:00 INFO Error: SoapClient class does not exist (Country: []; VAT ID: [ BE0999999999]; Company: []; Method: [soap])
2020-09-20T14:04:45+00:00 INFO Error: No response (Country: []; VAT ID: [ BE0999999999]; Company: []; Method: [curl])
2020-09-20T14:04:45+00:00 INFO Error: No response (Country: []; VAT ID: [ BE0999999999]; Company: []; Method: [file_get_contents])
2020-09-20T14:04:46+00:00 INFO Error: SoapClient class does not exist (Country: [BE]; VAT ID: [0999999999]; Company: []; Method: [soap])
2020-09-20T14:04:47+00:00 INFO Error: VAT ID not valid (Country: [BE]; VAT ID: [0999999999]; Company: []; Method: [curl])
2020-09-20T14:04:47+00:00 INFO Error: VAT is not valid (checkout) (Country: [BE]; VAT ID: [BE0999999999]; Company: []; Method: [])
This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Omar Dabbas.