Which plugin should I use to renew user’s purchase limit every month?

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  • #93188

    Hello! I have a presale question. If I am trying to limit the quantity purchasable for a variation product (sample products, where customers are only able to buy 1 of each product variation in x amount of time), which plugin: Order Minimum/Max… or Maximum Products Per User would be better to use? It seems like everything offered in Maximum Products Per User is offered in this plugin. Is that true? Are there more complex options in Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for Woocommerce?

    Thank you!

    Plugin Support

    Hello Dylan,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    > which plugin: Order Minimum/Max… or Maximum Products Per User would be better to use?

    If you want to limit the number of each product variation available to one per customer for a specific period of time, Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce plugin would be a better fit.

    To set the limit, follow these general steps:

    1. You should navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Maximum Products per User > General. Then select the relevant Date range for the limits and enable the Use variations option.

    2. Now go to the Limits section and enable the Per product option.

    3. Next, go to the Formula section and enable Limits by formula. Now you may use a formula such as:

    [alg_wc_mppu limit="1" product_id="3977,3978,3979"]

    Here you need to update the product_id attribute with your each product variation’s ids. You may find each variation’s ID on your Edit product page.

    > It seems like everything offered in Maximum Products Per User is offered in this plugin. Is that true? Is it possible to set a more complex order minimum and maximum amount in Woocommerce?

    Both plugins allow users to do complex things. With Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce, you can set a date range to your limit and use formulas to limit the purchase of your product. On the other hand, the Order minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce plugin lets you set minimum amounts for orders. You can also set the amount per shipping method/zone and per payment gateway, by currency.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact me.

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