Hey! I updated the plugin and it started showing the following error. I can’t seem to find any of these files in my database and downgrading WordPress doesn’t help either, neither does deleting or reinstalling this plugin. The problem isn’t showing outside the wp admin area but due to this, I can’t make any changes to the website in the backend.
<b>WordPress database error:</b> [Duplicate entry 'widget_prowc_widget_left_to_free_shipping' for key 'option_name']
UPDATE wp_options SET option_name = 'widget_prowc_widget_left_to_free_shipping' WHERE option_name = 'widget_alg_wc_widget_left_to_free_shipping'
<b>WordPress database error:</b> [Duplicate entry 'prowc_left_to_free_shipping_version' for key 'option_name']
UPDATE wp_options SET option_name = 'prowc_left_to_free_shipping_version' WHERE option_name = 'alg_wc_left_to_free_shipping_version'
<b>WordPress database error:</b> [Duplicate entry 'prowc_left_to_free_shipping_ajax_events' for key 'option_name']
UPDATE wp_options SET option_name = 'prowc_left_to_free_shipping_ajax_events' WHERE option_name = 'alg_wc_left_to_free_shipping_ajax_events'