Why are new customers not receiving new order emails?

Forums Email Verification for WooCommerce Why are new customers not receiving new order emails?

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  • #101242
    Michel Pompas

    [Not receiving new order email from woocommerce]

    Hi, your plugin works fine. But I’m having problems. When a new customer orders, it is not receiving new order email. I tried to deactivate each 3rd party plug in to know what causes this problem. When I deactivated your plug in, I tried to order and I finally received the new order email as a new customer or if the user is already registered it received the new order email. I activated it again and tried to order, the problem happens again, no new order email for the new customer.

    I only receive the activation mail then the new account created email.

    Any idea?

    Best regards,

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Hello Michel,

    Sorry for the delay.
    I couldn’t reproduce the issue.

    1. Have you tried with version 2.0.5?

    2. Are you using “Send as a separate email” and “Delay WooCommerce Customer new account email” options?

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