Why can’t I close the pop-up messages?

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  • #99821
    Douglas Landers

    Yesterday this plugin was working completely as it should, and suddenly today it is impossible to close out of the popup notifications. Neither the x button nor clicking away from the popup are working. The first time you try to close it, it will briefly close and then immediately reappear with the following Console Error:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘openClass’ of undefined
    at HTMLDivElement.e (micromodal.min.js:1)

    I am not very code savvy, but after digging around awhile, I have a hunch that recent changes to the Micromodal by Ghosh may to blame. It appears that within the past day changes were made to the Micromodal code to “Add the ability to customize open class name”. This seems to be directly related to the console error and the timing of those changes lines up with when your plugin stopped working for me.


    I hope this information helps you in debugging this issue. If you have any questions or need anything from me, just let me know. Hopefully we can get a quick fix for this!

    Douglas Landers

    Just FYI, the recent changes to the Micromodal code appear to have done the trick. My popups are once again functioning properly.

    Pablo Pacheco

    Great! So it seems to be all fine for you, correct?

    If you need help please let me know 😉

    Douglas Landers

    Correct, everything is fine now. Thank you for following up!

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