Why can’t I set different minimum required amounts for individual users?

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  • #93190

    Hi Support,

    I have the pro version of the plugin and am trying in vain to enable different checkout amounts and product limits for Individual Users.

    These are the settings I’ve applied.

    General tab> Order Min/Max amount Enable
    General tab> Amount limits > Minimum
    General tab> Amount types > Sum
    General tab> Block checkout process > Enable (depending on your requirement)
    User roles tab> Amount by user role > Enable

    I have then gone to Users/Edit and selected the appropriate GBP amount and minimum product to 1.

    I have done this on a test user account I have created but when I use it to login to my website the minimum checkout value has nit changed and is still at the default level.

    All plugins / woocommerce etc. are up to date.

    I also tried changing the test user account to Vendor and using the User Role method but to no avail.

    One more question – does setting the Order Min/Max Amount/Min Quantity to 1 on the Edit User mean that the User once logged in can order minimum of 1 for every different product and override the normal setting of 5 pcs per product?

    Any ideas?



    Hi Fraser,

    There are a couple of issues I see with your setup:

    1. From your question it seems you are trying to set a limit of 1 (Quantity) per user role. But on your setup you are using General tab> Amount types > Sum option. I think you should change it to General tab> Amount types > Quantity.

    2. “I have then gone to Users/Edit and selected the appropriate GBP amount and minimum product to 1.” If you are trying to set the limits by user role, you don’t need to edit anything in the Users page in WordPress. Instead, you should set the option from Order min / max amount > User roles > Amount by user roles > Enable then save the settings. After that you should be able to see various user roles you have for example, Vendor, Guest etc, on this page. You can then set the minimum limits here for each user role.

    Please let me know if you continue having trouble with this. In that case I would request if possible, you can share your WordPress dashboard access and we can take a look for you. You can send your details to [email protected]

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