Why can’t we get the link to verify users?

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  • #101500
    Plugin Support

    Hi again,

    I’ve created a new option for you:
    – Compatibility > Email Customizer for WooCommerce > Activation email content

    I’ve already enabled it for you. Now you can use the alg_wc_ev_ec_email_content hook on a “Custom Hook” block from the Email Customizer plugin.

    This will display the activation email content inside your custom email template.

    You just need to disable the “Send verification as a separate email” option again and change the Activation email content. Example:

    <p>Please <a href="%verification_url%" target="_blank">click here</a> to verify your email.</p>

    Please give it a try and let me know if it works for you.

    Adam Etkin

    I’m sorry to say the verification link nor the “resend link” email still do not work.

    Adam Etkin
    Plugin Support

    Hi, can you please send me a login link again? The previous one doesn’t work anymore

    Adam Etkin

    Please issue me a refund ASAP. I do not know if it was intentional or not, but whatever you did while you had admin rights trying to fix your plugin caused my entire site to crash. I had to restore from a backup. I’ve spent days/hours trying to work this out and enough is enough.

    Plugin Support


    After you gave admin access, the only thing I did was to visit your Customizer plugin custom email template and I noticed the hook you’ve used was not correct and I sent you a message about that. I did nothing more after it.

    We’d never do something maliciously. On the contrary, we just want to help you. I even created a new compatibility option for the Email Customizer plugin you use on your site.

    Of course you’ll receive your money back. Don’t worry about that. Let me know if I can keep trying to help you. We really want to understand what happened and make it work properly.

    Adam Etkin

    I can’t seem to delete any of my old comments, so let me backtrack on my previous negativity here.

    Obviously I was very frustrated, and then panicked when my site crashed. It seems as if the trouble was due to a conflict between the email verification plugin and another plugin.

    I will give credit where it is due. Pablo/WPFactory did try very hard to resolve my issues and get their plugin to work for me. Going so far as to quickly build a compatibility piece to try to make it work.

    While I won’t be using ANY verification plugin right now, due more to the whole process rather than a plugin, it should not dissuade anyone from considering WPFactory if this is something YOU need.

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