Why did my users get unverified in the password change process?

Top WooCommerce & WordPress Plugins Forums Email Verification for WooCommerce Why did my users get unverified in the password change process?

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  • #101364

    Hey guys!

    There were 2 cases when my users forgot their password, tried to change it, but got in a loop. I’m not sure that the loop is caused by your plugin, but both times, when I checked up on the situation, I saw that the users got unverified in this password change process. Do you have any idea why this is?

    Thank you!



    In the plugin’s settings Advanced tab please try and change the option under Authenticate filter. Also in the Advanced tab can you try and enable the Custom “logout” function


    And which option should it have under the Authenticate filter? The wp user one or the general authenticate one?


    Hi Amon,

    My suggestion was to try and change the current option in Authenticate filter to see if it fixes your issue. If currently it is “wp_authenticate_user” filter then change it to “authenticate” filter or vice versa.

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