Why does my pro version not install?

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  • #89740
    Gisela ja Trube


    please check why the Pro-version does not install.  I only get the free version and not bring me the paid Pro-version. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the plugin several times. Also installed the WPFactory Helper plugin, but that does not either find my subscription.

    Waiting for your solution soonest possible

    Gisela Trube

    Ferillo Oy




    Can you please delete the free version of the plugin. Download the pro version from https://wpfactory.com/my-account/downloads/ and install the Pro version.

    You will also need to generate a key for the pro version from your My Account page. The Key will be entered in the WP Factory Helper plugin.

    The pro version of the plugin, should work fine without the key as well. It is only required for automatic updates.

    Gisela ja Trube


    thank you for your quick response.

    I have deleted the free version and tried to install it with your WP Factory Helper plugin, but the plugin does not find my subscription and requires a manual entry.

    The download of the zip-file worked fine and I have that as well as the key, but as said the WP Factory helper does not have a place where to put the key.

    My preference would be to download your plugin throug WP Admin instead of using FTP, since I do not have right now the possibility to do it that way.

    Is that possible?

    best regards

    Gisela Trube



    Can you please share a screenshot of the error you are getting with the WPFactory helper plugin?

    You can install the plugin through the WordPress dashboard using the downloaded file. That is without FTP.

    In your WordPress dashboard navigate to Plugins > Add New and click on Upload Plugin.

    Again the pro version of the plugin should work just fine without the WPFactory Helper plugin. It is only required for automatic updates.



    There is one limitation, which may cause our Pro plugin not showing on its dashboard. The Plugin folder on your server must match the original one, i.e. plugin must be installed in /wp-content/plugins/cost-of-goods-for-woocommerce-pro/ and not for example in /wp-content/plugins/cost-of-goods-for-woocommerce-pro1/ – otherwise our “WPFactory Helper” plugin won’t find it, and won’t display it in its list.

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