Why does the activation message not show up when a new user registers?

Forums Email Verification for WooCommerce Why does the activation message not show up when a new user registers?

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  • #101327

    Hi ,

    I am trying to figure out why the activation message does not show up when a new user registers.

    I tried adding  this to the custom CSS:

    .woocommerce-error {
    display: block !important;
    visibility: visible !important;

    But it’s stil not working.

    How can i fix it ?

    Best regards




    There are a couple of things you could try:

    1. Under the General settings Email sending trigger option try and change it to “On” user register

    2. Under the Advanced settings, Prevent login after checkout section, Enable the Prevent Login Notice option.



    In addition to the above

    Please try and change:
    Advanced > Authenticate filter

    If it doesn’t work, please try one more option that we just created:
    General > Redirect on failure

    Even if the Custom redirect URL option is empty, there will be no problem. A ?alg_wc_ev_email_verified_error argument will be added to the URL that could help you displaying the message.

    The option is available on version 2.1.0 we just released.

    Please give it a try and let us know if it helps 😉`

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