Why does the client not receive any notice to verify their email address?

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  • #101393

    Where the registration messages shown? Right now when a client registers, there is no popup shown ir displayed warning the client to verify their emial? The emails are sent out. What page does the plugin use by default to display these messages? Can we use a custom page and add shortcodes to it so it displayes messages?

    Also, some of the messages are sent to spam. Any way we can avoid this?



    The message should show on the page after registration. If you are having trouble with it, In the plugin’s settings General tab Enable the Redirects to a custom URL if an unverified user tries to login option.

    You can also use the shortcode


    to show the verification notice on other pages.

    If the messages are being sent to spam, you need to check with your hosting provider. Most likely SPF or DKIM records might not be set up correctly.

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