Hi, great plugin so far thanks!
I’ve just bought the Pro version and have run into 2 issues I need some clarifying for…
1) When I copy the wish list link from a logged out user, (using the share/copy-link function), and share it elsewhere, the copied link only opens an empty wish list. Is this expected? If it is normal plugin behaviour, if a user who is not logged in can not share their wish list, how can I hide the share buttons for logged out users?
2) When I share a wish list from a logged-in user, it does show the wish list, but it does not show the selected attributes. Again, is this expected behaviour? If it is, what is the point of adding products to a wish list and sharing them with friends, if the friends can’t see what specific variation was selected? (This is very important for my store, and the reason I paid for the Pro version of this plugin)
Thanks for any help. (I’m working on a development version of the website that I’m not willing to share the link of publicly here, but I can send to you via email, or you should be able to see it in my user account as it’s the only one with a key generated.)