Why does the copied link only open an empty wish list?

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  • #100156

    Hi, great plugin so far thanks!
    I’ve just bought the Pro version and have run into 2 issues I need some clarifying for…
    1) When I copy the wish list link from a logged out user, (using the share/copy-link function), and share it elsewhere, the copied link only opens an empty wish list. Is this expected? If it is normal plugin behaviour, if a user who is not logged in can not share their wish list, how can I hide the share buttons for logged out users?

    2) When I share a wish list from a logged-in user, it does show the wish list, but it does not show the selected attributes. Again, is this expected behaviour? If it is, what is the point of adding products to a wish list and sharing them with friends, if the friends can’t see what specific variation was selected? (This is very important for my store, and the reason I paid for the Pro version of this plugin)

    Thanks for any help. (I’m working on a development version of the website that I’m not willing to share the link of publicly here, but I can send to you via email, or you should be able to see it in my user account as it’s the only one with a key generated.)

    Pablo Pacheco

    Hello Joshua,
    I was about to release a new version with a fix for number 1.
    And I think I was able to fix number 2 for you. Thanks for letting me know 😉

    Please give it a try version 1.6.2.
    I’ve just released it.


    Hi Pablo, you fantastic person, you! That has resolved both my issues, thanks so much.

    I’ve noticed another issue, when I have a product that has multiple attributes, for example, a ring with different size options as well as different gemstone options, I’m unable to add it to the wish list if it has more than 30 possible variations. 30 or less variations works fine, 31 or more variations makes the “add to wish list” button do nothing. (Clicking it does not make it show the “loading” image, and it does not add to the wish list.)

    Pablo Pacheco

    Great! Anytime 😉
    Regarding the variations issue, please try adding it to your functions.php

    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_ajax_variation_threshold’, function($qty){
    return 31;
    }, 10);

    You can replace 31 by the number of variations you need.
    Let me know if it solved

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