Why does the plugin prevent both unverified and verified users from logging in?

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  • #101449
    Glyn Emmett


    As of today, having the block login from unverified users option enabled was preventing both unverified and verified users from logging in. Each login gave the error “Sorry, those login credentials are incorrect.”

    To resolve this, I have had to temporarily disable the feature to allow users of the site to access it.

    Please can you advise how to troubleshoot or if this is bug that has come in?

    Thanks, Glyn.

    Plugin Support

    Hi Glyn,

    Can you please update the plugin to version 2.2.5? We believe it’s now fixed in that version.

    Glyn Emmett

    Hi Pablo, we have version 2.2.5 already installed and still seeing the issue.

    Regards, Glyn.


    Hi Glynn,

    Is it possible for you to share your WordPress dashboard access and we can take a look for you?

    You can send your details to [email protected]

    Glyn Emmett

    Hi Zohaib,

    I have forwarded access details as suggested.

    Thanks for taking a look.

    Regards, Glyn.

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