Why does the “Proceed to checkout button” not seem to be working?

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  • #93207

    Here’s an “I thought you would like to know” kind of post ~ I have been testing out your free version of Order Minimum/Maximum ~ and I have run into one crazy and so … frustrating quirk.

    I have tried and tried (even looking for some extra php code) to get your disable Proceed to CheckOut button to actually do something ~ Yes, of course I Selected ~  Disable Checkout Button ~ who wouldn’t ~ I mean to get that done.   Well it just didn’t work ~ I even called my witch doctor friend and nothing ~ I really love your plugin ~ but that WAS just killing my love for sure…  So then I said ~ Ok ~ what if I did the Other Thing?   So I did…  I selected Enable Checkout Button ~ and POW!  Totally Disabled! Un-clickable and just perfectly Dimmed?

    Funny Trick you guys are playing on us there!   HA!   So yea, now I think I will go ahead and pay for the plugin!  <3

    Plugin Support

    Hello Terry,

    I hope you are well today. We’re sorry to know that you were having difficulties with the free version of the plugin.

    Actually, I enabled the Cart options > Proceed to checkout button option in the plugin’s settings, under the General section, and the function appears to be operating well on my end. Please make sure you’re using the latest versions of WooCommerce and the plugin.

    >I think I will go ahead and pay for the plugin!

    Please let us know if you face any problems using our Pro version of the plugin. We will make every effort to assist you.

    Kind regards,

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