Why does the profit seem to be calculated in a wrong way?

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  • #89772
    Benjamin Cohen


    I think there is a bug after the last update,

    Attached a 1 screenshut of an edit order before the last update, it can be seen that the profit calculation is displayed correctly.
    Attached a 2 screenshut of an edit order and edit product page after the last update, In this case we can see the profit calculation is displayed In the wrong way. And the Cost details information is missing too

    Thanks Benny

    Benjamin Cohen

    Please delete the attched screenshut, I forgot to blur the picture customer detailsץ

    Thanks Benny



    Can you please resend the screenshot? You can send it to [email protected] if you are unable to blur it.

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    H Benjamin,

    Can you please try to enable the option:
    – Advanced > Force costs update on order update

    And then try to update the order again?
    Let me know if it helps

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Hi again Benjamin,

    Please try to update the plugin to version 2.4.7

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