Why doesn’t users redirected to the “thank you” page after installing plugin?

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    Since I have installed the plugin, after completing my order, the website does not redirect to the default “thank you page”; now it redirects to the empty Cart.
    I have both “Block checkout process” and “Block checkout page” options enabled. If I disable “Block checkout page” it redirects correctly to the “thank you page”, but then the Minimum Order does not work.

    Is this an error? What can I do to fix this?



    In the general settings tab, If you enable both options under the Checkout options section. i.e. Block checkout process and Block checkout page after an order is complete you should not be redirected back to the cart page.

    Could you please give me more details on how you have set up the minimums? I am suspecting the minimum amounts are not met and hence the redirection back to the cart page.



    I have seen another user with the exact same issue so I’m going to copy and paste their explanation to the problem:

    User adds products and amount is more than the minimum amount.
    User clicks on checkout and is allowed to do so.
    User adds all details for delivery and submits the order
    Confirmation email is sent for order received
    User ends up on cart page.
    User should have ended up on checkout/order-received page

    Therefore, the issue is not that the minimum amounts are not met, because you can make an order and pay; the problem comes right after the payement is done. Instead of ending up in the “thank you” page, the user is redirected to cart, which is (obviously) empty after finishing the order. However, I can send you some screenshots to an email so you can check if there is something missing.



    In that case, can you deactivate the plugin, delete it, and re-install the latest version of the plugin.

    Also, the user who had this similar issue had not set up the minimums as per his requirements and hence was being redirected back to the cart page.

    Please let me know if you continue having trouble with this and we can then investigate further.


    The issue still remains… I have already send some screenshots of the settings to your email as I had already told you about this problem in an email exchange that we had so you can take a look.

    I’m sorry but I have to insist in the problem probably not being in the minimum amounts not being met. I don’t think that’s the cause of the error because I can complete an order and it shows in the order list of Woocommerce.

    As I said in my first comment, if I disable “Block checkout page” it redirects correctly but the minimum amount does not work, so I believe there can be something going on there. If I disable “Block checkout page” but still have “Block checkout process” I shouldn’t be able to complete an order if the minimum amount is not met, right? Yet I still can, so I have to enable “Block checkout page” for this not to happen, but if I do so, after completing the order I end up on the Cart page instead of the “thank you” page.

    I hope I made some sense explaining the issue, as I realise it is confusing. However, if you need more info please tell me.

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