Why is the error message on the checkout page causing problems?

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  • #93144

    Hi, I bought the plugin today and I’m having problems. I’m using the option to create rules by shipping methods, when the customer tries to complete an order with a value below the minimum value, the plugin makes the notification message appear at checkout, ok. But it also hides the address, district and city that the customer had already filled in, which is a problem, because if the customer chooses a shipping method that has no minimum value, he is obliged to fill in all the data again.

    I need to disable this function.
    I’ll explain in more detail, I need the plugin to keep appearing in the checkout and error message, but DO NOT DELETE the checkout information filled in by the customer, such as address and so on.

    But if the customer still tries to complete the purchase without reaching the minimum value, he is barred.

    Plugin Support

    Hi Lucas,

    I couldn’t reproduce the problem here. Anyway, can you please try changing the “Positions” option from “Messages > Checkout”?

    Other than that, can you please send us some screenshot of the issue?


    I did some tests again and the problem doesn’t appear anymore. Thanks

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