Why is the notice not being updated when I add a product to the cart?

Forums Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce Why is the notice not being updated when I add a product to the cart?

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  • #93046
    Stephan Jørgensen


    Im working on a teksteditor with the “shortcode”

    [alg_wc_order_min_max_amount min_or_max="min" sum_or_qty="sum"]Du skal bestille for min. %min_order_sum% for at kunne gennemføre købet - nuværende beløb er %cart_total_sum%. Du mangler at tilføje for: %min_order_sum_diff%.[/alg_wc_order_min_max_amount]

    And its displaying it perfectly.. however it wont “live” update it numbers. You have to refresh the page before it updates with the correct amount. Is there a way to fix this? I would like it to update the numbers as soon a product is added to the cart without a page reload.

    Is there a way to do this?

    With kind regards




    In the plugin’s settings Frontend tab can you please Enable the Validate on add to cart option.

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