Why is the plugin causing 406 errors?

Forums Popup Notices for WooCommerce Why is the plugin causing 406 errors?

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  • #99825
    Didier Azibert


    When I check the option “Save messages in Browser’s Cookies”, it’s causing 406 errors, probably due to the protections activated by my host.
    But I’ve never had this type of error before and it only occurs when I enable this option in your plugin.
    Is it possible to prevent this error without disabling the host’s protections ?

    Pablo Pacheco

    I couldn’t reproduce your issue on my end.

    Can you please send an e-mail to [email protected] with more info?
    Would it be possible for you to create/share an admin account to your server (WP and preferably FTP), so I could login and check what’s going on?

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