Why isn’t the limit working on the live website?

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  • #100723

    I bought the Pro version of Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce. At https://wpfactory.com/my-account/downloads/ I have stored the domain

    If I now test the plugin on my localhost (I use Woocommerce > Settings > Maximum Products per User > Per Product > enable and for one product I set the limit to 1), then it works wonderfully. If a customer will order the product with quantity >1 then i see the notice “You can only buy maximum…”. Perfect.

    If I do the same on the online production website (same configuration), then  customers can still buy the product with quantities > 1. It is as if the plugin Maximum Products per User not exist. Is it possible that I still have to do an activation or something?


    Sorry for my mistake. It was a cache problem. It has now been resolved.



    Happy to hear it is working for you now.

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