Will I be able to limit the products on a per-user-role basis for each product?

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  • #100329

    Presale question: Will I be able to limit the maximum amount of products on a per user role basis for each product individually with this plugin?
    My site has many user roles and I must restrict how many items of a given product each user role will be able to acquire.
    I can see the free version does this but globally for all products. I must have this option enabled for individual products.
    Looking forward to your reply.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Robin,

    Yes, this is exactly what Pro version has – you will be able to set each user role’s quantities for each product individually.

    Hope that helps and please let me know if you have any questions.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    P.S. I’ve just added “Per product + User roles” screenshot to the plugin description.


    Thank you for your help, Tom.
    My final question before purchase would be: Is the plugin WooCommerce REST API-friendly?
    Many of the traits that make up my site are made with the REST API and I necessarily must have all plugin options be made available through this feature.
    Looking forward to your reply.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    There should be no issues with WooCommerce REST API, however, if something will not work correctly, I’m ready to help/fix.

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