Will purchasing the pro version resolve my pop-up issues?

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  • #99927


    I am using the free version. But having issues with pop-up. Will it solve if I buy the pro version?
    Issue: ajax pop-up works fine on cart page, when quantity is updated etc. But on shop page, “add-to-cart” click does not open the popup. When there is error with “add-to-cart” (i.e. max quantity added to cart), it redirects to product single page and shows the pop-up there, not on the shop page.


    Pablo Pacheco


    By default, if you have the option “Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives” from WooCommerce enabled, you don’t get any kind of notices on the shop page if you add a product to cart on that page.

    With the option “Display AJAX add to cart notice” from the Popup Notices plugin enabled, you can display the add to cart notice on the shop page itself.

    Now, if you are being redirected to the cart page if some error occurs, this plugin can do nothing about it, and I would say this can’t be changed.

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