Improving entering values UX

Forums Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce Improving entering values UX

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  • #105082


    The input form where i can enter the qty data for a variable product is very confusing and could and should be optical much clearer. There is only a long list of rows with all variations that are visibly only hard to divide. Could you please add optical dividers between the variants, like maybe borders or different background colors?

    Thanks and regards

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by WPWhale.

    Hello André,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Currently it does have a different background for each row, like this.

    Can you please explain how you see this presented better? Any visualization will be helpful.



    I see it like on your image. With only a few variants the current layout may be ok but if there are many variants with several attributes and you want to add or change all fields, it appears overloaded to me. My suggestion is to add a space between the variants or a line with dark color. But the best would be to style it the same way like as  the following plugin does it: Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce.

    And i think it would be even more better to move the fields down into the product data block, for variants each into the corresponding tab, for a clearer interface and like other plugins do it too.


    Thanks André, I got it.

    Moving these fields to the variations tab is something we’re considering actually, we will start it very soon with simple products first (since there are a lot of fields and don’t want to create a whole new experience which might be confusing for current users), then move standard fields (min/max/step) to variations tab.

    Hope this will be cleared in the next 2 releases (during November probably).


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