Name Your Price & Offer - How to Negotiate Prices with Your Customers

Name Your Price & Offer: How to Negotiate Prices with Your Customers

Bartering and negotiation has been the way we trade for centuries, it even predates currencies. Some stores would rather not throw this method out the window, so they offer customers the chance to make an offer or name their own price for products.

Are you looking for an innovative way to engage your customers and increase sales on your WooCommerce store?

Price Offers for WooCommerce

Look no further than the Name Your Price WooCommerce plugin! This unique tool allows your customers to set their own price for your products, giving them a sense of control and customization.

In this article, we will explore the concept of naming your price, how to set it up, and how to effectively use this feature to optimize your sales.

Understanding the Concept of Name Your Price on WooCommerce

Before we go any further, let’s get a clear understanding of what the Name Your Price WooCommerce plugin is all about.

In a nutshell, this feature allows customers to suggest their own price for your products, giving them the freedom to offer what they think is fair.

While it might not be always the best choice, it’s still can be seen as a win-win situation where your customers get personalized pricing, and you get increased customer engagement and potentially higher sales.

Price Offers for WooCommerce

You can reject, accept, or negotiate their offers, and the plugin also gives you the chance to automate this so you can automatically reject offers under a certain price, for instance.

There are creative uses of the plugin too. For example, some people choose the name your price model for selling digital products like eBooks and musical albums.

The plugin also allows you to trigger an email chain to customers who make an offer, and you can set the recipients, choose the subject line, design the heading, and mold the content template to stay in your brand’s style.

The Basics of Name Your Price WooCommerce

Here’s how it works.

When a customer visits your online store, they will come across products with the option to name their own price or make an offer for a product.

They can enter the amount they are willing to pay for the product and add it to their cart. This feature gives them the freedom to choose a price that fits their budget and perceived value of the product.

You, the seller, has the option to say yes or no or automate this.

Benefits of Using Name Your Price WooCommerce

Implementing the Name Your Price WooCommerce plugin on your store comes with several benefits. Firstly, it allows you to tap into a wider customer base by accommodating different budgets. This inclusivity can attract new customers who may have previously found your prices too high and help make more conversions to sales.

Secondly, it creates a sense of trust and transparency. By giving customers the power to set their own prices, you show that you value their opinions and are willing to work with them. This can lead to stronger customer relationships and increased loyalty.

Lastly, this option can work like a sale and help you clear out excess inventory or slow-moving products. If you have stock that has been sitting on your shelves for a while, allowing customers to name their price might just be the push they need to make a purchase.

Setting Up Name Your Price in WooCommerce

Name Your Price WooCommerce is a powerful tool that can help you increase sales and boost customer engagement. Here are a few tips on how to use it effectively:

  • Set clear expectations. Make sure your customers know what they can expect when they name their own price. For example, you may want to specify a minimum or maximum price.
  • Use it sparingly. This can be a great way to clear out excess inventory or generate interest in new products, but it’s not a good fit for every product or every customer. Use it wisely to maximize its impact.
  • Track your results. Keep track of how this sales method is performing so you can see what’s working and what’s not. You may need to adjust your settings or strategies over time to get the best results.

Step-by-Step Guide to Configuration

Once you have completed the initial setup, configuring the Name Your Price WooCommerce plugin is relatively straightforward. To begin, navigate to your WordPress dashboard and go to the WooCommerce settings. Look for the Price Options tab.

You can choose to enable the price offers for all products or for specific products.

You can choose to enable the price offers for all products or for specific products

If you enable per product, you will then get a new meta box on each individual product’s edit pages, which allows you to choose to enable offers.

The plugin also has tabs including Styling and Button which allow you to control the look of the button and the way it appears on the page.

The plugin also has tabs including Styling

The Email tab lets you trigger an email to arrive when you receive an offer:

The Email tab lets you trigger an email to arrive when you receive an offer

The Actions tab allows you to set up emails to trigger when you accept or reject the offers:

The Actions tab allows you to set up emails to trigger when you accept or reject the offers

Though you have plenty of options for your Name Your Price plugin, it is straightforward to create a simple and effective sequence that allows customers to make an offer for your products.


In conclusion, the Name Your Price WooCommerce plugin is a powerful and unique option that can revolutionize your WooCommerce store.

By understanding the concept, setting it up correctly, and using it effectively, you can create a personalized shopping experience for your customers while boosting sales.

Plus, if you’re offering digital products you don’t even need to worry about inventory. Are you ready to let customers make their own offers for your products?


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