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Per Product Customization with Add to Cart Button Labels

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The “Add to Cart Button Labels Options” plugin empowers you to take control of your WooCommerce store’s CTAs at the most granular level: the individual product. The “Per Product Options” section allows you to customize the “Add to Cart” button text for each product within your store, directly on the product edit page.

Tailor CTAs to Each Product

This section allows you to craft unique CTAs that resonate with the specific features and benefits of each individual product.

Here are some ways to leverage this functionality

  • Highlight Unique Selling Points: Craft button labels that emphasize the product’s key selling points, enticing customers to add it to their cart.
  • Urgency and Scarcity: For limited-time offers or low stock items, use the button label to create a sense of urgency and encourage immediate purchase decisions.
  • Informative Labels for Free Products: Craft clear and concise button labels that emphasize the “free” aspect, guiding users towards claiming the product.

Dynamic Labels with Shortcodes

The plugin’s shortcode functionality allows you to add dynamism to your button labels for each product

  • [alg_wc_atcbl_user_name]: Insert the customer’s name for a personalized touch.
  • [alg_wc_atcbl_product_title]: Dynamically display the product title within the button label.
  • [alg_wc_atcbl_product_price]: Integrate the product price for a clear call to action.
  • [alg_wc_atcbl_product_stock]: Inform customers about product availability directly in the button label (useful for limited stock items).
  • [alg_wc_atcbl_product_meta]: Access additional product meta data for even more customization options (like size or color).
  • [alg_wc_atcbl_product_func]: Utilize custom functions to create highly dynamic button labels.
  • [alg_wc_atcbl_translate]: Enable translation of button labels for a multilingual store.

Resetting to Defaults

If you ever need to revert all per-product customizations, simply check the “Reset Settings” box and save changes.

Unlocking Full Potential (Pro Version Link)

While the free version offers a robust per-product customization experience, consider upgrading to the Pro version of the Add to Cart Button Labels for WooCommerce plugin (available at link to Add to Cart Button Labels for WooCommerce plugin: https://wpfactory.com/item/add-to-cart-button-labels-woocommerce/) to unlock even more features:

  • Conditional Labels: Set unique button labels for specific product conditions like “On Sale,” “Free Product,” or “Empty Price.”
  • Bulk Editing: Save time by editing button labels for multiple products simultaneously.

Benefits of Per-Product CTAs

By leveraging the “Per Product Options” section, you can

  • Maximize Conversions: Highly targeted CTAs tailored to each product can significantly increase click-through rates and ultimately lead to more sales.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Clear and relevant button labels guide customers through the purchase process and highlight the value proposition of each product.
  • Stand Out from the Crowd: Craft unique and attention-grabbing button labels that make your products stand out from the competition.


Customize Add to Cart Button Text for WooCommerce
