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Tailored Calls to Action: Customizing Add to Cart Text Based on User Roles in WooCommerce

A successful online store caters to various customer segments. WooCommerce offers a powerful feature that allows you to personalize the “Add to Cart” button text based on user roles. This guide explores how to leverage this functionality to create targeted calls to action that resonate better with different user groups.

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Accessing the Add to Cart Button Labels Feature

To personalize the “Add to Cart” button text based on user roles, navigate to your WordPress dashboard.

  • Locate the WooCommerce menu and click on Settings.
  • Within the WooCommerce settings, find the tab labeled Add to Cart Button Labels.

Customizing Text for User Roles

The Add to Cart Button Labels feature offers a dedicated section for Per User Role customization.

Here’s how to leverage this section

  • Enable Section: Check the box next to Enable section to activate user role-based button text customization.
  • Total User Role Groups: This field allows you to define multiple groups of user role-specific button text settings. While optional, it can be helpful for managing complex user role structures.
  • Enable Group: Click the checkbox next to Enable group #1 (or whichever group you want to configure). This activates the settings within the chosen group.
  • Enable: Check the box next to Enable to allow specific button text customization for this group.
  • User Roles: Select the user roles you want to include in this customization group by checking their boxes. You can choose multiple roles for a single group (e.g., targeting both Customers and Shop Managers).

Crafting User-Specific Text

Once you’ve selected your user roles, you can define unique button text for both the.

  • Single product page: This is the text displayed on the individual product page where customers view detailed information.
  • Shop page: This is the text shown on the product listing page.

Utilizing Shortcodes (Optional)

The plugin provides shortcodes that dynamically insert relevant product information into your button text, offering further customization.

  • [alg_wc_atcbl_user_name]: Inserts the customer’s username (if logged in).
  • [alg_wc_atcbl_product_title]: Displays the product title.
  • [alg_wc_atcbl_product_price]: Inserts the product price.
  • [alg_wc_atcbl_product_stock]: Shows the product’s stock availability.
  • [alg_wc_atcbl_product_meta]: Allows incorporating specific product meta data.
  • [alg_wc_atcbl_product_func]: Enables integration with custom functions for advanced customization.
  • [alg_wc_atcbl_translate]: Facilitates translation of button text for multilingual stores.

Remember to Save Changes

After customizing your user role-based button text settings, ensure you click the Save changes button located at the bottom of the page. This activates your modifications across your shop and product pages.

Benefits of User Role Text Customization

By tailoring the “Add to Cart” button text based on user roles, you can achieve several benefits.

  • Targeted Communication: Craft messages relevant to specific user groups (e.g., “Sign Up to Purchase” for Guests or “Add to Cart” for Customers).
  • Encourage Registration: Motivate unregistered users to create accounts for purchasing privileges.
  • Highlight User Benefits: Emphasize specific advantages for different user roles (e.g., “Get Member Discount”).


By leveraging user role-based “Add to Cart” button text customization, you can create a more personalized and engaging shopping experience for your customers. This approach fosters targeted communication that resonates with different user segments, potentially leading to increased conversions and improved customer satisfaction.