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Single Product page options

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Single Product Page Options Breakdown for Related Categories for WooCommerce

The Related Categories for WooCommerce plugin offers a comprehensive set of options for customizing how related categories are displayed on your single product pages.

Let’s break down each section


  • Display on Single Product Page: This checkbox enables or disables the “Related Categories” section entirely on single product pages.

Limit & Columns

  • Limit: Define the maximum number of related categories you want to display.
  • Columns: Choose how many columns you want the related categories to be displayed in.

Hide empty:

  • Hide: This option allows you to hide categories that don’t have any products assigned to them.

Order by:

This section lets you define how the related categories are sorted. Options include

  • Name: Alphabetical order by category name.
  • ID: Order based on the internal category ID.
  • Slug: Sort by the category slug (used in URLs).
  • Menu order: Sort based on the order you’ve defined in the WordPress menu (if applicable).
  • None: No sorting applied.
  • Random: Randomly order the related categories.
  • Count: This option sorts categories based on the number of products they contain, mimicking the sorting behavior in the Products > Categories section of your dashboard.


  • Ascending: Sorts categories in alphabetical order (or by chosen criteria) from A to Z.
  • Descending: Sorts categories in reverse alphabetical order (or by chosen criteria) from Z to A.

Relate Options

This section defines how the plugin determines which categories are considered “related” to the current product.

You can choose one or combine multiple options


  • Enable: Shows all categories that share the same parent category as the current product.
  • Include grandparents: Expands the selection to include children of the parent category’s parent (grandparents).
  • Include top-level: Includes the top-level category (no parent) in the selection.
  • Include grandchildren: Expands further to include children of the siblings (grandchildren).


  • Enable: Displays the parent category of the current product.
  • Include grandparents: Shows the parent of the parent category (grandparent) as well.


  • Enable: Displays all child categories of the current product.
  • Include grandchildren: Expands the selection to include grandchildren of the current product (children of child categories).


  • Enable: Shows the category (or categories) that the current product is directly assigned to.

Related Categories for WooCommerce Pro: Manual Control

The free version of Related Categories for WooCommerce offers a robust set of features, but the Pro version unlocks even more control. The “Relate Manually” section lets you define related categories on a more granular level, requiring the Related Categories for WooCommerce Pro plugin.


Related Categories for WooCommerce
