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Exporting Order Data with Ease

This article guides you through exporting order data from your WooCommerce store using the Products & Order Export for WooCommerce. We’ll explore the available fields, customization options, and the export process itself.

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Accessing the Order Export Settings

  • Navigate to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Export.
  • Click on the Orders tab.

Building Your Order Export

The plugin provides a comprehensive list of order data fields you can include in your export. These fields encompass various aspects of an order, including

  • Order Details: Order ID, Order number, Status, Date, Time, Item count
  • Order Items: Details of each product purchased within the order (may require additional configuration)
  • Order Input Fields: Custom data entered by the customer during checkout
  • Financial Information: Order currency, Total amount, Taxes, Shipping cost
  • Payment and Customer Details: Payment method, Order notes
  • Customer Information: Billing and shipping details (name, address, contact information)
  • Additional Data: Backend order notes (internal notes added by store admins)

Customizing Your Export (Optional)

  • Additional Export Orders Meta Fields: This section allows you to export additional custom meta fields associated with your orders.

Saving Your Configuration

Once you’ve selected the desired fields, click the Save changes button at the bottom of the page to save your export configuration.

Exporting Your Data

With your settings saved, you’re ready to export your order data. The plugin typically offers an Open Tool or similar button to launch the export process. This will generate a file (CSV or XML, depending on your chosen format) containing the selected order information.

Resetting Settings

The Reset Settings button allows you to restore all settings within the Orders tab to their default values.

This guide equips you to effectively export order data from your WooCommerce store using the Products & Order Export for WooCommerce. By selecting the relevant fields and saving your configuration, you can generate reports or retrieve specific order information efficiently.


Products, Order & Customers Export for WooCommerce
