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Customer & customer from orders

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This section explores the functionalities offered by the Products & Order Export for WooCommerce Pro plugin when exporting customer data.

Pro Features

  • Dedicated Customer Export Tool: Unlike the free version, the Pro version provides a dedicated tool specifically for exporting customer data. This allows for focused extraction of customer information without needing to include product or order details.

Export Customers Options

  • Filtering by Customer Role: The Pro version lets you filter the exported customers based on their assigned user role within WordPress, ensuring you only export data for customers (WooCommerce customer role by default).

Export Customers Fields

Gain comprehensive customer insights by exporting a wide range of data points

  • Basic Customer Information: Extract customer ID, email address, first and last names, login details (username and URL slug), registration date, display name, and assigned user roles.
  • Nickname & Descriptions: Include optional customer nicknames and any descriptions they may have provided.
  • Detailed Billing & Shipping Addresses: Export complete billing and shipping addresses, including names, company (if provided), full addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
  • Customer Activity: Access data like last update time, total lifetime spend, total order count, and their last order date.

Export Customers from Orders (Pro Feature)

This powerful feature allows you to export customer data specifically linked to their orders

  • Customer Order History: Extract details like customer ID, names, billing and shipping information, user roles, last order date, first order date, total lifetime spend, total order count, total item count for a specific period (optional), and the ability to reset these period-based filters.

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