WooCommerce let customer enter price

WooCommerce Let Customer Enter Price? Here’s How!

Imagine walking into a store and getting to decide how much you want to pay for a product, sounds pretty different, right?

The “WooCommerce Let Customer Enter Price” feature brings that concept online, giving shoppers the chance to set their own price for items.

But how does it all work, and what’s in it for you as a store owner?

Price Offers for WooCommerce

In this article:

We’ll dive into how this unique pricing approach can open up new possibilities for both your customers and your business.

Let’s explore how offering this kind of flexibility can change the way people shop in your store!

Why Letting Customers Enter the Price Works for You?

Giving customers the power to choose their price sounds risky at first, right?

But here’s the thing:

It can actually work in your favor, when shoppers feel like they have a say in what they pay, they’re more likely to buy something, it feels more personal, like they’re getting a special deal that they created.

This can lead to higher sales because people love the idea of control and fairness in what they spend.


When someone can name their price, they might feel encouraged to add more items to their cart.

Coupons & Add to Cart by URL Links for WooCommerce

It’s like they’re thinking, “Well, since I saved a bit here, I can afford to grab something else too!” So, while it might seem like you’re giving away too much, it actually helps boost your sales without slashing your prices across the board.


It helps you gather useful data on what customers are willing to pay.

This information can help you set smarter pricing strategies in the future. So, it’s not just about flexibility; it’s about understanding what your customers value.

In what Scenarios would you need the Name Your Price feature?

Here are a few situations where the Name Your Price feature can really come in handy:

  • Only a few items left in stock

When you’ve got just a few items left, instead of waiting for them to sell, you can let customers name their prices, it’s an easy way to clear out that remaining stock quickly.

  • Those who want to buy in bulk

For customers looking to buy in bulk, allowing them to suggest a price can encourage larger purchases, it gives them the flexibility they want and boosts your sales at the same time.

  • Clearing Out Slow-Moving Inventory

If you have products that aren’t selling, the Name Your Price feature can help move them faster, customers are more likely to buy when they feel like they’re getting a deal.

Not only this, but there are more scenarios in which you will need this feature, take a look at some of them through the following page:

“Name Your Price” Scenarios and Use Cases.

How WooCommerce Lets Customers Enter Their Price

If you want to let your customers name their own prices in WooCommerce, you’ll need a special tool.

WooCommerce doesn’t come with this option by default, but that’s where the “Name Your Price plugin” steps in, we highly recommend using this plugin because it makes everything super simple.

WooCommerce let customer enter price - name your price plugin

With just a few clicks, you can add the option for customers to enter what they want to pay for a product.

It’s like giving them a price suggestion, but they have the freedom to adjust it based on what they think is fair or what they can afford.

How WooCommerce Lets Customers Enter Their Price - example

This plugin works behind the scenes to make the whole process smooth for both you and your customers.

No complicated coding, just an easy way to create a more flexible shopping experience!

Top Features of the Name Your Price Plugin for WooCommerce

Here’s a breakdown of the key features that make the “Name Your Price plugin” so useful for your WooCommerce store:

  • Custom Offer Forms

You can easily set up a form where your customers can type in how much they want to pay for a product. It’s like giving them a special way to say, “Here’s what I think this is worth.”

  • Accept or Reject Offers

You don’t have to accept every offer. The plugin lets you choose whether to approve or reject any price a customer offers, so you stay in control.

  • Automatic Counter Offers

If a customer’s offer is too low, you can automatically send them a counteroffer. It’s like negotiating in real-time without needing to manually respond to each customer.

  • Email Notifications

The plugin sends out emails to keep you and your customers updated. Whether an offer is accepted, rejected, or a counteroffer is made, everyone stays in the loop.

Email Verification for WooCommerce

  • Flexible Display Options

You can show the price offer option only on certain products, categories, or to specific customers. So, you get to decide when and where customers can make price offers.

  • Easy Integration with WooCommerce

This plugin works smoothly with WooCommerce, so you don’t have to worry about it messing up your store. It fits right in and is simple to use.

These features make it easy for you to give your customers more flexibility while keeping things organized and under your control!

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Step-by-Step to Installing and Configuring The Plugin

Setting up the “Name Your Price plugin” in WooCommerce is pretty easy, let’s walk through it step-by-step so you can get it running on your store in no time!

1. Download and Install the Plugin

First, you need to find and install the plugin. Just go to your WordPress dashboard, search for “Name Your Price” in the plugins section, and click “Install.” Once it’s done, hit “Activate.”

WooCommerce let customer enter price-Download and Install the Plugin

2. Access Plugin Settings

Now that the plugin is active, head over to WooCommerce > Settings and look for the “Price Offers” tab. This is where all the magic happens.

How WooCommerce Lets Customers Enter Their Price - Access Plugin Settings

3. General Settings

Here’s the cool part—it’s already set up to work for all your products automatically! You don’t have to change anything if you want the feature to apply store-wide. But if you want to tweak things, you can:

Exclude out-of-stock products.

Exclude products that already have a price.

Choose whether all users or only logged-in users can make price offers.

How WooCommerce Lets Customers Enter Their Price - General Settings

4. Save Your Changes

If you’ve made any changes, don’t forget to hit “Save.”

5. Set Admin Settings

In the “Admin” tab, make sure to enable the “Product Meta Box” option, this will add a special section to each product’s page where you can see offers and manage them.

You can even customize the columns to show things like the customer’s email, offer amount, and more.

How WooCommerce Lets Customers Enter Their Price - Set Admin Settings

6. Set Email Settings

Next, you’ll set up how you want to be notified when offers come in, you can choose who receives the emails, what the subject line says, and even customize the email template.

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How WooCommerce Lets Customers Enter Their Price - Set Email Settings

7. Save Your Changes

Again, don’t forget to save any changes you make!

8. Customize the Look

Want to make the price offer button and form look cool? Head over to the Button | Form | Styling tabs, where you can change how everything looks and feels for your customers.

How WooCommerce Lets Customers Enter Their Price - Customize the Look

9. When the customer names their price

Once a customer submits an offer, you can easily manage it from your WordPress dashboard, here’s what to do:

  • Go to the left menu and click on Offers. You’ll see all the offers customers have made across your products.
  • Find the product with the offer and click on the #number of offers you’ve received for that product.

How WooCommerce Lets Customers Enter Their Price - When the customer names their price

  • In the Data box, you’ll see all the important details about the offer, like the amount, customer information, and when it was made.

How WooCommerce Lets Customers Enter Their Price - When the customer names their price 2

  • Below that, you’ll find the Action box, this is where you get to decide how to respond.
    You have several options:
    • Open: Keep the offer open if you’re still thinking about it.
    • Accept: Approve the offer if you’re happy with the price.
    • Counter: Make a counteroffer if you think the price should be higher.
    • Cancel: Decline the offer without further discussion.
    • Complete: Finalize the transaction if everything’s settled.

How WooCommerce Lets Customers Enter Their Price - When the customer names their price 3

    • Once you’ve made your choice, fill out the contact form with any additional details, then click Update.
      The customer will receive your response, and the negotiation can continue, or the deal will be done!

How WooCommerce Lets Customers Enter Their Price - When the customer names their price 4

And that’s it! You’re all set to let your customers enter / name their price on your WooCommerce store.

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Best Practices for Using Custom Pricing in WooCommerce

Letting customers choose their own price is a cool idea, but to make sure it works well for your store, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Set Minimum and Maximum Prices

You don’t want someone offering a super low price that won’t even cover your costs, right?

That’s why it’s a good idea to set a minimum price. This way, customers can’t go below a certain amount. At the same time, setting a maximum price ensures you’re not overcharging, keeping things fair.

The plugin we reviewed lets you do this with specific products you choose

Best Practices for Using Custom Pricing in WooCommerce 1


Best Practices for Using Custom Pricing in WooCommerce 2

Note: this is a pro feature.

Also, in this context, you can take a look at this amazing tool that allows you to do this easily:

Order Minimum/Maximum Amount Limits for WooCommerce

Order Minimum-Maximum Amount for WooCommerce

2. Use Psychological Pricing

Believe it or not, pricing can play with how people think!

For example:

Instead of setting your minimum price at $10, try $9.99, It’s a popular technique you see a lot, right? But guess what? It still works!

that small difference makes a big impact because customers often feel like they’re getting a better deal, even though it’s just a cent less.

3. Highlight Discounts for Larger Orders

If you want to encourage bulk buying, offer better deals when customers buy more.

You can say something like, “Name your price and get even better offers when you buy 5 or more!” This gets people thinking about adding more to their cart.

In this context, we also think it is useful to review:

WooCommerce Quantity Based Pricing: A Retailer’s Secret Weapon

4. Keep an Eye on Offers

Regularly check the offers coming in, you don’t want good deals slipping by or customers waiting too long for a response.

The faster you reply to an offer, the more likely it is that the sale will go through.

5. Test and Adjust Your Strategy

The first pricing setup might not be perfect, and that’s okay! Pay attention to how your customers are responding.

Are they always offering too low? Maybe your minimum price needs to go up, or if no one is making offers, you might want to lower it a bit, the key is to be flexible and make changes as needed.

Final thoughts on the strategy and when it works best

  • Allowing customers to choose their own price offers a creative approach to pricing, but it’s not for every situation.
  • It works best when you’re trying to move slow-selling products, clear out old stock, or encourage people to buy in bulk.
  • If you’ve got items that aren’t flying off the shelves, giving customers a chance to make an offer can help you make a sale instead of just letting the product sit there.
  • It’s also great for building relationships with your customers, when people feel like they have a say in what they pay, they feel more valued, and that can turn one-time buyers into loyal customers
  • For high-demand or luxury items, you might want to keep prices set, as the “Name Your Price” option could make things tricky in those cases.

So, if you’re looking for a way to get creative with pricing and boost sales on certain products, this strategy could be a smart move for your WooCommerce store 👌

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