Ignore quantity step validation for sample product

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  • #104521
    Miles Kitchen

    Hi there,
    I’m using the Pro version to set the Quantity Step per product (value is 1.44). This works great. I also have a Sample function, like a seperate add to cart button, that adds a sample of the product to the cart in increments of 1.

    I’m facing a validation issue when I view the cart and change the quantity of the Sample. Is there a way to make the Product Quantity plugin ignore the Step value for this sample product? It may be easier if I can send screenshots. If not possible, is it possible to pay for a modification or override code to add to my child functions file. Happy to send through the Sample plugin for you to look at.

    Hoping you can assist and happy to pay for anything customised.


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    Hi Miles,

    I think I got the issue, you can exclude the Sample product from the whole plugin settings, go to Advanced >> Exclude by URL, and then enter the relative URL for that product.

    If you need more help setting this up, or this isn’t what you’re looking for, please feel free to send me at [email protected] with more detials.


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