Order shipping total but with the tax excluded

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  • #141712


    First of all, it’s a really neat plugin, easy to use, very customisable.

    I’m having some trouble with how it displays taxes, however. I can’t find any way to display the shipping costs excluding tax. The only shortcode available seems to be “order_shipping_total”, I tried a long shot and used “order_shipping_total_excl_tax” but it, of course, didn’t work.

    Is there some way around the issue?


    Hi there,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    I have escalated this with our development team. They will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Kind regards.


    Thank you for your help. I really hope there’s a solution that won’t take too much of your time.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    This is Tom from the development team. Happy to hear you liked the plugin 🙂

    Regarding the issue – I’ve just tested it on my server – it looks like the [order_shipping_total] shortcode displays the amount excluding tax, i.e., what you need. If that’s not the case – would it be possible to log in to your site and take a look (my email is [email protected])?



    I checked and you’re absolutely right. I just assumed that all the settings used for the store prices would be used automatically for the shipping (calculating the percentage from full prices). Unfortunately that’s not the case. That means I need the exact opposite, i.e. a shortcode to display shipping including the tax. The only shorcodes pertaining to the shipping that I can see are [order_shipping_total] and [order_shipping_method].

    As as long as I have your ear, is it possible to change the language and currency of [order_total_in_words]?

    Thank you!

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    Please update the plugin to the latest v2.1.3. Then try our new [order_shipping_total_incl_tax] shortcode, e.g.:

    [order_shipping_total_incl_tax format="price" before="Shipping (incl. tax): "]

    I’ve also added an alias for the [order_shipping_total] shortcode – [order_shipping_total_excl_tax] – to make it more clear.

    Regarding the [order_total_in_words] shortcode – unfortunately, we have to add each language individually, and now only two are implemented – English and Lithuanian. You can change it with the lang attribute, e.g.:

    [order_total_in_words lang="EN"]
    [order_total_in_words lang="LT"]

    Which language do you need? I can try to add it to the plugin. As for the currency – the plugin will automatically retrieve the order’s currency for the whole part. However, it will always show cents ¢ for the decimal part. Do you need something else instead of the cents?

    Please let me know what you think.

    P.S. If you like the plugin, please consider leaving me a rating.

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